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How much are Nio shares worth?

NIO listed American Depositary Shares (ADRs) on the New York Stock Exchange on 12 September 2018 at $6.36 per ADR. NIO was valued at $6.4 billion upon listing but the momentum gained since late May has pushed the carmaker’s market cap to over $36 billion. Why have NIO shares soared to new highs?

Does Nio pay a dividend?

NIO is not currently paying a regular dividend. NIO, Inc. is a holding company which engages in the design, manufacture, and sale of electric vehicles. Its products include the EP9 supercar and ES8 7-seater SUV. It provides users with home charging, power express valet services, and other power solutions including...

What services does Nio offer?

It also offers other value-added services such as service package, battery payment arrangement, and vehicle financing and license plate registration. The company was founded by Bin Li and Li Hong Qin on November 28, 2014 and is headquartered in Jiading, China. NIO | A complete NIO overview by MarketWatch.

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